So Sibella was obviously not feeling at the top of her game last night. She is a very vocal cat and she was even more so than usual. She had also adopted a rather peculiar sleep position that she does when she isn't well. Add to that ruffled fur and sunken eyes I knew there would probably be a vet visit in the offing. Sure enough, I took her in today. It sounds like she probably has kidney disease. They drew some blood and took a urine specimen and gave her some sub-cutaneous fluids and an appetite enhancer. I will know more on Monday.
Before the appointment,I had to run an errand this morning. When I came home, she was on the arm of the sofa (near the front door.) She didn't move when I came in, her head was tucked under and I couldn't see her breathing. I touched her and she didn't respond for several seconds. I thought she had died. She finally gave a disgruntled "Mrrffff" and moved reluctantly. Whew! I am hopeful that if it is kidney disease it will be manageable for a long time.
Poor cutie cat... is her colour calico?
Your music favs are much the same as mine: Fairport Convention, Gabriel Yacoub & Malicorne; Tannahill Weavers ...OMG!
It's so maaaaany years!
She is a Ragdoll. Yes, though it sounds silly, it is a breed. She is white mainly with blotches of light and dark brown. Her eyes are really blue. The vet today was quite taken with her good looks!
She was on her way to the Humane Society as her previous owners were moving and didn't want to take her so I did. I have been listening to Gabriel Yacoub a lot lately!
She is a Ragdoll. Yes, though it sounds silly, it is a breed.
She was on her way to the Humane Society as her previous owners were moving and didn't want to take her so I did. I have been listening to Gabriel Yacoub a lot lately!
I hope she does well. Cats tend to get kidney problems as they age.
So, I work at a pet food store, and my boss knows a lot about pet health, and the one thing I can suggest with your cat's diet is to get more lower protein food into her. Most dry cat foods run about 32% protein or more. Most canned foods are far lower in protein.
Since protein concentrates in the kidneys in cats, it is one of the factors in kidney problems.
The solution is more canned food. Canned food is not only lower in protein, it also adds moisture to the diet (especially helpful for older cats who don't like to drink water) and thus helps flush out the kidneys.
I don't know what kind of food you have her on now, but I could make some specific recommendations if you like.
I'm sorry your kitty is sick. That's always hard. I hope that there's some improvement after the things the vet did.
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