Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey Boo-Boo!

I have had this picnic basket for about 22 years! I got it at a flea market when I was just out of high school. I have used it probably at the most 3 times. I think I need to have some picnics before the weather turns this year. A thermos of tea, some sun dried tomato, pesto, cream cheese and basil sandwiches with some veggies and hummus, and some apples for dessert sounds good to me. I think a visit to here would be a good destination for an afternoon. Check out their goat hotel!!! I love going out there. It isn't organic so I don't usually get any produce. I mainly like to go out and see the critters. I love goats and sheep. Gosh, I often wonder why I was hell bent to get off of the farm when I was a teenager. Enjoy your weekend whatever you do!

1 comment:

Angelina said...

You know, I was never all that interested in my mother's amazing garden and her canning and chickens and cooking...I was an URBAN CHICK and very tough. However, the minute I got my own first house it all unfolded in me- all those things she did for us made such a deep impression that I laugh now at how I do all the things she did.

I love farm animals. I have a big huge soft spot for pigs. But I love them all.